Accessing your Money Overseas

Accessing your Money Overseas

The other day, I overheard a woman talking to her friend about an upcoming trip to London, Paris, and Amsterdam. She mentioned that she had gone to her bank and taken out €1500 in cash to bring along! Her friend, wisely, questioned this decision, stating that she should just use a credit card with low-no fees and ATMs. The traveler was concerned that she would need all of that cash to pay for cabs and dinners. 

What to do in Costa Rica

What to do in Costa Rica

Costa Rica is full of amazing adventures, but they are all spread out. Rent a car and be prepared for multiple day trips. Divide up your time between 2-3 key areas based on what you want to see.

My Travel Bucket List

My Travel Bucket List

The beginning of the year is a time for lists, so I made a list of my travel dreams. While my list is constantly growing, here is what’s on it currently…

Traveling with Kids

Traveling with Kids

People always tell me, “It’s good that you are traveling now, because once you have kids, you won’t be able to!”  

But does that have to be true? I know of many parents who bring their kids right along with them, and still really enjoy their experiences. I decided that I needed to interview someone who has experience with traveling with kids to find out if it really is as doable as I am telling myself it will be some day.

Daniel and Jill have two girls, Alina (9) and Sofia (6), and have enjoyed traveling as a family every summer excluding the years when the girls were first born. Both parents work in schools, and so summers have become an opportunity to go on extended trips. I was able to ask Daniel all about how they have managed to keep this up!

Three Days in NYC

Three Days in NYC

My first time in New York and it was Halloween, the World Series, and the NYC Marathon. While the city is known for being exciting, I felt that it was probably a bit more energized than normal. I only had three and a half days, but I was quite happy with how much I was able to explore in that short amount of time! 

One Week in Seattle

One Week in Seattle

I may be a bit biased, but I think that Seattle is one of the most beautiful cities in the world! If you are planning a trip to Seattle, there are plenty of great sites to see, but you'll need to get out of the downtown area to see the best the city has to offer. It's smart to have a good game plan to minimize transportation time between neighborhoods so you don't spend all of your time stuck in traffic, so I made a one week itinerary to help maximize your time.

My Favorite Travel Apps

My Favorite Travel Apps

Many websites list "the best new travel apps," but half of them end up with poor user reviews. Deciding what to download can be frustrating. So instead of recommending the hottest new trends and writing reviews of apps that look cool, I'm going to share with you my personal favorites that I have actually used. These are what I have on my iPhone right now:

How to Fly for Less

How to Fly for Less

You may have felt like you would never be able to travel because it's too expensive. I know that when I was broke I felt the same way. But the more I travel and research about travel, the more I realize that I was missing out that whole time! I didn't need to have a ton of money to travel, I just needed the right information. This realization is why I have been working to help make your dream of travel cost next to nothing. So far, I have already given your resources for accommodations and transportation. This time, it's all about the flight.

How to Take Amazing Travel Photos: Tips from Diana Rother

How to Take Amazing Travel Photos: Tips from Diana Rother

Diana Rothery is a commercial, portrait, wedding, and documentary photographer. She has worked with clients such as HBO, Boston Red Sox, and Blue Cross. She loves to travel, and her website includes a beautiful portfolio of travel photography. I just had to ask her for some tips that we can use.

16 Money-Saving Accommodations

16 Money-Saving Accommodations

Has this ever happened to you? You sit down at your computer to search for hotels for your trip, but you can't find anything in the price range that you expected to pay. All of a sudden, your excitement turns into dread and frustration at how much this is all costing you.  If you know that feeling, this article is for you.

Best Music for a Road Trip

Best Music for a Road Trip

Are you headed out on a road trip? While I often like to listen to audiobooks and podcasts, there is something special about having the right music for the right drive. It enhances the experience instead of distracting you from it. Want some recommendations? I asked some of my favorite musicians and music aficionados what their favorite road trip albums are.